Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Lost is Found!

As some of you may or may not know, Drew lost his wedding ring about 3 or 4 months ago. It wasn't that he was careless or anything, but rather the opposite. He had a little part of his backpack that had a zipper pocket and would put it in there before every basketball practice so he would not scratch anyone during practice and when he went to retrieve it, he discovered the hole. Then the relentless searching started and finally ended today. Treston and I went to get groceries and when we got home I got out of the car and saw it on our lawn! Thank you, Lord!


Blogger molly said...

Yeah! I hadn't even heard it was missing! Do you remember my mother's ring story? It's kind of loose and as I was heading into the swimming pool for the boy's swimming lessons in winter I took my glove off and didn't realize it at the time, but my ring flew off into the snow. That night when I realized it was gone I called everywhere I had been and a couple months later they called that it had been found on their lawn! It was a bit bent, but we had Ellie's stone added to it and they gave me a new setting anyway!

Happy Birthday, Laura! Did you get our e-card? Hope you have special plans for tonight! We look forward to seeing you...and thanks for Treston's photo!
Love - Molly

11:25 AM  

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