Sunday, October 26, 2008

What A Difference A Year Makes!

Well, it has been about a year ago that we found out about Drew's cancer and he had surgery. We are so happy that everything looks good and he was able to only have surgery instead of kemo. I always knew he was going to be OK, but I thought the road getting there was going to be harder. Thanks to all of you for all of your help and prayers! This pic means a lot to me, because a year ago he had had the surgery and was not able to even hold the kids and now he can climb trees and hold BOTH of them. Life is good:)
We also enjoyed a night out in Algona for our annivesary-we found it was hard to kill 4 hours! We settled for 3 hours, brought the sitter home early and rented a flick.
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Blogger molly said...

Happy Anniversary, you guys! So glad this year is behind you and praying for an uneventful year to come!!! Love ya!
The MN Dahls.

6:47 AM  

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