Treston Birthday
So, this is only about a week late, but here are some pics! We sure love our little guy! He is always very curious about everything! When he had his ultrasound, the tech pushed some buttons so she could see the blood circulation. In the van he was asking why he had blood everywhere and I think he thought it was bad and shouldn't be there. One night while going to the van, he shouted up to the sky, "I love you God... and you too, Jesus!" His singing penis also made another appearance before bath one evening. He is really loving school and just started basketball at the Y, so we are keeping him busy! Thanks to all for the gifts and thanks to Shirley, Vance and Marg for coming up to help celebrate!
He was so excited for his balloons! He is still hitting them all around the house.
Somebody ate my cake!! Bad mom! I was running the camcorder and never got a pic with the whole cake! He loved it-a yummy Curious George ice cream cake! Oh, and I asked him to act sad for this pic.
Here is our special little guy! He will always keep us on out toes!
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